After birth, the abdominal muscles are stretched out and the pelvic floor is strained. Specific post-pregnancy workouts and frequent pelvic floor exercises are crucial. Shortly after giving birth a light Antara training helps your body regenerate. A personal training alos helps you get back to your normal weight in a healthy and lasting way.
Workout after childbearing
With light exercises you can regenerate faster and gain strength and stability after birth.
Shape Your Body
Efficient workouts to get to shape your body? With personal training you will achieve your goals.
Pelvic Floor Workout
With Antara pelvic floor exercises after pregnancy and childbirth your pelvic floor will gain back strength and stability.
At the centre of every Antara training are your posture, your breathing and the whole core-system.
Workout during pregnancy
Exercise during pregnancy? We support you with individual workouts.